Stereo photography is a unique form of Phototgraphy. This photography uses two sightly different images (similar to how each eye sees a slightly different image) and combines these images to a stereo photography.
Cameras - Realistic film camera, Canon single lens camera, Fuji W3 digital stereo camera, twin Canon single lens digital cameras sync'd together, EGO digital stereo camera single lens Canon digital on a slide bar.
Viewing - Printed stereo cards, stereo slides, projected polarized views, projected anaglyph views, printed anaglyph, printed phantagrams ( popup), etc
Viewing with special equipment and polarized glasses is the best way to view 3D or printed stereo cards and a vintage viewer, but with standard computers anaglyph is acceptable.
Time line - Queen Victoria's foundness for stereo cards, the Civil war, 1940-50s stereo photography including Viewmaster, and currently new digital stereo cameras and Virtual Reality photography.Here is a link to some of my stereo photographs and a few of my wife's. For computer viewing, you will need anaglyph glasses (red/cyan). When the viewer comes up make sure the fourth pulldown is set to ANA for anaglyphs.
You can also try DUBOIS which is a slightly different type of anaglyph and shows colors a little better.Click this link to open the the stereo viewer and some 3D photos. Stereo photography Viewer and photos (for anaglyph use red/cyan glasses