The Vidalia Onion has the distinction of being called "the world's sweetest onion." And rightly so. Its mellow, yet juicy-sweet flavor is the result of the mild climate and unique soil combination found only in a designated area of South Georgia. It has also been proclaimed as the official State Vegetable of Georgia.
Each April, lovers of these succulent bulbs eagerly await the start of the Vidalia Onion season which, unitl recently, lasted only a mere three months. Now, thanks to improved storage techniques, these sweeties are available right through December.
For the uninitiated, as well as the devotee, the Vidalia Onion Committee offers this collection of recipes - salads, salsas, sandwiches, side dishes and main dishes - to showcase the versatility of Vidalias. And, like the onion itself, which is fat-free and low in calories, all the recipes are low on fat but still luscious.
The Vidalia Onion has outstanding nutritional qualities. One medium size raw onion is:
" A good source of Vitamin C
" Fat free and low in calories (only 60 calories despite its sweetness)
" Sodium free and contains no cholesterol